Welcome: Truth Seer, Lineage Healer, Aquarian Age Leader

Let's get Mystical and Fuck up the Patriarchy

We are on the edge of the Age of Aquarius...

and Earth needs wise womxn leaders to bring it through.

Is it you?

Spiral of the Star is a mystic school in service to bringing through the Age of Aquarius.

Apply to the School of Transformagic

In Transformagic School, you will learn how to:

  1. Live free without being controlled by collective/personal trauma so that you can embody a future we can't yet see
  2. Alchemize Your Challenges into Your Medicine to Gift the World 
  3. Channel Your Spirit (Higher Self) and Speak with Conviction to Inspire, Lead, and Heal Your Community
  4. Create Your Own Ceremonies and Rituals to Weave Magic into the World and Call Down this Paradigm Shift
  5. Open Your Spiritual Gifts  to Assist the Shift with other Mages and Bring Through Cosmic Wisdom via Dreams, Channeling, and Divination
  6. Become a Leader of the Age of Aquarius whether you are an Elementary School Teacher in Virginia, a Musician in Oslow, or a Screenwriter in Los Angeles

Apply to the School of Transformagic

 "I feel like I'm going to the best school ever." -Rachel, 2nd Ring

Become the Bridge

To be vessels of the golden age, we must embody our bodies here and now, learn from the mirror of our lives, own our power of creation, and clear our channel to receive the Truth of our Spirit. 

We then can move from the cycle of karma to dharma - all of our struggles that we learned from become our gift to the world. 

In the Age of Aquarius, individuals contribute to the collective to form a balanced whole. Everyone’s full expression is welcomed and necessary. 

We are bringing the codes of the Age of Aquarius down through our vessels, embodying it, and activating it on Earth. 

It sounds woo-woo, but it’s practical. 

In Spiral of the Star you learn to Be the Bridge between heaven and earth, by staying grounded while going high. 

Spiral of the Star Spring Equinox Session 

March 21st to June 20th, 2024

Apply to the School of Transformagic

Spiral of the Star Group Sessions are a 3-month course + mentorship facilitated by Kalisee that helps you heal and find safety in your body, transform your challenges into gifts, bring your mission to Earth, and become an embodied leader while serving the transition to the Age of Aquarius.

How does it work?

The Full Spiral works together to do collective healing, weave magic, and pull through the messages of The Star. 

We meet every New Moon and Full Moon for a ceremony, led by me (Kalisee), to heal with the power of the skies and do divination work. 

Every other week you have a call in your individual rings, along with me, to discuss what we are learning and integrating in our lives. 

We have community spaces to share what’s alive for us between calls and you will be learning skills, practices, and philosophy in the on-demand course. 

You will be held and mentored every step of this activation process. As the center of the Spiral, I am dedicated to you and will be channeling for you during your time in the school.

I am here to serve you and create the space for you to learn, grow, be seen, be held accountable, and find your sacred gifts, and mission. 

You will also have the chance to keep me accountable.

Founding this school is my mission in life and by being in my energy field, you will automatically begin to activate your gifts and mission because you’ll absorb the frequency and be inspired. 

Schedule an Inquiry Call with Kalisee to Receive Channeled Guidance & Ask Questions


The most meaningful shift in my life since joining Spiral of the Star has been cultivating a spiritual practice that is my own without the expectations of others. I’ve begun to trust myself and uncover the magic of the universe. -Lauren, 1st Ring

The Rings

The Rings of Spiral of the Star are the levels of ascension in the School of Transformagic. There are four rings, each higher and deeper (as above, so below) than the last. Most students + mentees enter at the 1st Ring and ascend. If you’re already advanced on your spiritual path, there is an option to enter at the 2nd Ring. 

1st Ring (Group of 5 Womxn)

In the 1st Ring, you will learn practices to remove beliefs and trauma that aren’t your True nature so you are FREE to hear and follow your intuition, instead of being controlled by your past + conditioning. 

You will learn mental alchemy and universal codes to transmute challenging situations into GOLD and receive payment (in the form of money + gifts) from the universe. 

In the final month, you will practice divination, to guide yourself on your path without needing a teacher or psychic to tell you what to do.

I will be holding healing and activating space for you each step of the way and leading you deeper into the mystery of your own soul. I have done this work myself. I know the pitfalls, the disillusion, and the shortcuts. I’m here to hold you through your growing pains.

The 1st Ring is for you if you are currently or have recently gone through a spiritual awakening and need a grounded, yet mystical, place to practice a magical life. It’s also for you if you’ve gone quite far in your spiritual practice but haven’t fully devoted yourself, found what works for you, or worked closely with a mentor/teacher.

2nd Ring (Group of 3 Womxn)

The 2nd Ring is a higher and deeper review of Embodied Awareness, Mental Alchemy + Cosmic Codes, and Oracle + Mage work. 

This Ring is a continuation of the last and is geared towards a higher level of magic and self-mastery. Students at this level often are beginning to align with their mission and higher purpose in life.

You may apply to be in the 2nd Ring of the Spiral if you:

-Have had a steady spiritual practice of 7 years

-Feel you often see your patterns + alchemize them on your own

-Have some experience with dreamwork + divination

3rd Ring (Group of 2 Womxn)

4th Ring (1 apprentice)

These rings continue the mystery and work of the first two rings. They divine ritual + ceremony for the Spiral. You have the opportunity to continue onto these spaces after completing the first rings and can teach on the Spiral platform after apprenticeship. 

The 'Enter the Mystery' Curriculum: Learn to Walk the Liminal Space to Connect Heaven & Earth

Month 1- Temple: Develop Embodied Awareness & Clear  Your Channel

Trauma and patterns are stored in our nervous system and often take us offline, preventing us from creating anything new in our lives or feeling our intuition. In this module, you’ll learn how to identify when we’re dysregulated, how to come back to regulation, and how to set yourself up for stress resilience throughout your day so you can begin to create new outcomes, stop repeating patterns, hear the voice of your guidance, and be able to follow through on that guidance.

Month 2 - Transformagic: Manifestation Magic without the Karma

Ceremonial Magick can have negative karmic reactions. Instead, we work with methods that reward you for understanding the laws of the universe. In this module, you’ll learn how to draw to you what you want and make the world around you a better place at the same time. We’ll look at inner alchemy - the art of turning shitting situations and hardships into your power and medicine that can be shared so that you RISE above it all with ease.

Month 3 - Oracle: Bridge Heaven & Earth

Here, you’ll learn how to receive messages from your Spirit and council via divination, dreamwork, and meditation so when you don’t know wtf to do, you always have access to divine guidance. Walking with your spirit close will help you walk the Earth with otherworldly confidence - when you have your council on your side- you know that all is as it should be and is working for you. And you can see how the universe conspires in your favor at every step. 

Subjects studied:
  • Breathwork
  • Nervous System Regulation
  • Meditation
  • Yoga Asana
  • Somatics
  • Earth Magic
  • Universal Law
  • Ceremony
  • Ritual
  • Altar Keeping
  • Dreamwork
  • Divination 
  • Tarot + Oracle
  • Symbolism 
  • Plant Medicine
  • Herbalism

 I have been able to shift my patterns with more ease by making seemingly small changes in my mindset and by having different rituals in my daily life. 

-Paul, 1st Ring 

Spiral of the Star Spring Equinox Session

March 21st-June 20th, 2024

What's Included:

  • Ceremonies led by Kalisee for every New Moon and Full Moon (Full Spiral) to receive channeled messages + practice ritual

  • Bi-weekly Integration meetings with your Ring

  • 3 Months of Curriculum in Embodied Awareness, Mental Alchemy + Cosmic Codes, and Oracle + Mage work

  • Self-healer’s Library 

  • Divination + Journal Prompts from Kalisee

  • Access to the Spiral of the Star portal and community (online + app)

  • Private Whatsapp group for your Ring

1st Ring Tuition


or 3 installments of $777

2nd Ring Tuition


or 3 installments of $1,333

Private Mentorship:

Everything included above + a  2-hour ceremonial Tarot Reading + Channeling Session +  Twice a month private 1-hour calls with Kalisee

Apply for Pricing

Schedule an Inquiry Call with Kalisee to Receive Channeled Guidance & Ask Questions


Spiral of the Star, led by Kalisee, is a community abundant with love and kindness. This container has created an opportunity for me to explore my own authenticity and spirituality free from judgment and harsh criticisms. Kalisees’ authenticity and commitment to expansion while sharing her spiritual knowledge from a place of integrity is magnetic and inspiring. Not only do I learn from Kalisee but from other group members' reflections and vulnerabilities. I recommend anyone looking for a magical connection to join you won’t be disappointed!


Being a part of Spiral of The Star has been transformative and enriching. Kalisee's guidance and teachings have resonated deeply with my spiritual journey, and I feel grateful to be connected to her as a mentor and friend. 

The live gatherings on every New Moon and Full Moon are nothing short of magical! The ceremonies and divination sessions create a powerful space for introspection and growth. I I find that what sets this community apart is the personalized reading that every member receives during each ceremony. It's like receiving a tailor-made message from the universe, and it has helped me gain clarity and insight into my path. Also, the sense of community and encouragement within Spiral of The Star is truly heartwarming. 

Having access to a private group on WhatsApp has been a blessing as it provides a safe space for sharing, learning, and supporting each other on our individual paths. If you're seeking a place to nurture your spiritual growth, where authentic connections flourish, then I wholeheartedly recommend joining Spiral of The Star. It's an experience that will elevate your soul and bring you closer to your true self.


[My favorite part of being in the Spiral was it] bringing sacredness and ritual into my daily life and being part of a safe container/community where I could be my most authentic self, express what is present in me, be listened and feel supported by the other members of the Spiral and by Kalisee through reflections, insights and heartful sharings. 



I don't have a lot of free time - how much time per week do I need to devote to Spiral of the Star? 

The short answer: 3-5 hrs per week

The long answer: This truly is your own journey, but of course, the more you put in, the more you will get out. Each week, you will receive about 1-2 hrs of video content to watch and have one live 1.5-hour call. Members who get the most out of the community also participate in the group chat about once a day, which takes just a few minutes. Anything above and beyond that is stellar status. 

I'm a newbie to spirituality. What if I can't keep up?

All good, hon. Spiral of the Star is a space for inner exploration, and we are allll on the path, no matter where we perceive we are on that path. There is no judgment. The video content is self-paced and the calls are spaces of deep reflection, but there is no requirements or expectations. The best results will come from an openness to go deep within and self-reflect without fear. 

I've done a lot of spiritual exploration, but I'm really desiring a community that sees me because I don't have that where I live. Is the Spiral for me?

Yes! You might have received some of the same wisdom that flows through the Spiral before, AND it might be put in a way that you've never heard before. Our live calls will nourish your soul with live channeled guidance, deep reflections, and celebrations from your fellow mages. I also invite you to empty out - every training I've ever done has taught me something new. It's helpful to hold an energy of discerning openness. 

Something is telling me to join, but I don't have the funds right now!

Only you can decide for yourself if it's the time to join the Spiral, but if money is the only thing holding you back, I invite you to think about a few things:

  •  This year, how much have you invested in entertainment and physical possessions that are not contributing to your long-lasting happiness, and have maybe just been distractions from dealing with a deeper pain?
  • How much it is costing you to hold anxiety in your body, repeat the same patterns, feel disconnected from your spirit, not have a sense of yourself and your desires, and spend your energy and money on free to cheapie spaces that don't offer any level of true support or transformation? Is it possible that by committing yourself to the transformation you want by investing your energy in it, you can save money in the long run because you will be more healthy and in alignment?
  • Do you feel worthy of investing in yourself? And how much is living your life on your terms worth? Oftentimes, we just don't feel we're worthy of making an investment in ourselves and our happiness. Especially for women and mothers, we feel our needs and desires must come second. But the truth is, we cannot pour from an empty cup. By modeling to our children, partners, and coworkers that we nourish ourselves so we can nourish others, we share a powerful transmission for all. It's also an energetic boundary you can create for yourself with the universe. You are worthy of what you want. 
  • Are you clear about what you want? If we're on the fence about something, we're not clear with the universe and it doesn't know where to support us. If we decide, the universe knows where to support us. So, if you really feel like the Spiral is the place for you, I invite you to commit to it energetically and find out how the money flows to you when you decide.


About Kalisee

As the grounder (not founder :) of Spiral of the Star, it's my mission to channel this beautiful flow of wisdom and support to the people it's meant to serve. I am a Channel, Healer, and Aquarian visionary. 

Using my gifts,  I help the Mages of Spiral of the Star receive messages from their guidance, see and uncover their blindspots (which often includes how brilliant they are), heal their fear, and remove resistance towards their True nature. 

I've been part of the Spiritual community since birth, so I understand the dogma, the judgment, and the hypocrisy that often pervades them. It's my True hope that this space remains a brave space welcome to any and all souls who desire peace, love, and authentic expression for all. I will not tolerate disrespect towards any group of people in this space. That includes people who don't agree with our ideas :) Just because we meditate doesn't make us any more Spiritual than anyone else. 

This Space was birthed from me following my guidance through dreams, intuition, and following the breadcrumbs to my mission. This is the power and grace that I hope to give to each person in the Spiral - to work through all the karma and hardship, and finally follow the impulses of Spirit to our highest path. 

As Kalisha Del KA, I'm also a messanger of Del KA, the largest chain of Spiritual Guides. This enables me to bring forth messages and support from the highest of realms, and I am grateful for their support. Light to Planet Earth.

If you want to live as a True Mage and weave a legacy that brings through Truth and Change, I invite you to apply to join. 

Ever in service to the Light, 

Kristen Kalisee Priya, Kalisha del KA